The government made a commitment in 2019 to enhance workers rights and provide better support. The legislation has made significant improvements which will come into place from Spring 2024 to help new parents, unpaid carers and giving all employees better access to flexible workings. We have summarised the changes below.
Protection for Expecting and New Parents
Expecting mothers are protected from redundancy starting from the day the mother informs the employer she is pregnant until 18 months after the birth of the child.
Unpaid Carer’s entitlement
Unpaid carers have an entitlement to a maximum of one-week unpaid leave from their employment to provide or arrange care for a dependent with long-term care needs.
Unpaid leave can be taken in periods of half or full days up to one week within a 12-month period.
Evidence is not required to request this leave and this is an entitlement from day one of your employment.
Flexible Working
Four key changes made to allow workers to have better access to flexible working:
- Two requests allowed within a 12-month period.
- Employers must respond to requests within 2 months.
- Employers must discuss with employee before rejecting request.
- Requests can be made from day one of employment.
Paternity Pay and Paternity Leave
Statutory Paternity Leave can now be taken in two non-consecutive week blocks within the first year following the birth.
Notice period has been reduced to 4 weeks.
Construction Industry Scheme
Gross Payment Status applications can no longer be made via telephone, but application can now be submitted online
Compliance reviews to take place within 6 months of receiving Gross Payment Status.
VAT submission and payment compliance now included in compliance review.
Casual Workers
Casual workers holiday entitlement will now be based on accruing 12.07% of worked hours.
Re-introduction of ‘rolled up’ holiday pay. Employers can now pay employees the 12.07% on top of their worked hours each week rather than paying the holiday pay as and when on annual leave.
If you have any questions on how these changes will impact you or your business, please get in touch on 01228 904904 or