Xero Certified Advisors

Making things easy for you

SeavorChartered are always looking at ways to make things easier for business owners.  That is why we have partnered with Xero; a leading brand in cloud accounting software which enables us to provide more relevant timely advice.  That is why we are Xero Certified Advisers.

SeavorChartered are proud to be Xero Certified Advisers, one of the few independent firms in Cumbria to be awarded the Xero Certified Adviser status.

What is Xero?

Xero is a leading online accounting system, designed for small business owners to work with accountants, tax advisers, business partners and staff all in real-time.

Xero is an online alternative for small businesses to traditional accounting software such as SAGE and Quickbooks.

Why Xero?

SeavorChartered Xero Practical Relevant Adviser

The main reason we chose to partner with Xero is its focus on making accounting easy for you.  In addition, we love having the ability to view your business’s financial position in real time, enabling us to provide you with relevant up to date advice throughout the year when it matters most, not just in a year end meeting.

There are many reasons to choose Xero, here is our top 10:

1. A clear focus on making your business accounting easy to use as possible

2. As long as you have internet access it can be accessed from anywhere at anytime 24/7 by as many people as you give access to, from anywhere in the world, even from your smart phone

3. You can allow us as Business Advisers access to your Xero to enable us to provide timely, relevant advice on your business’s performance and position

4. It’s all backed up onto the cloud and takes up no server space, with no installation required, so no danger of losing your data

5. Xero offers the highest level of security for your business information

6. There are no upfront costs and you pay as you go on a monthly basis so no large initial costs or subscriptions

7. No more manually inputting bank statements; a huge time saver. Bank accounts feed directly into the software meaning that at the click of a button you can see how much money you have, what’s been paid and what’s come in

8. Invoices and statements can all be customised and sent by email at the click of a button reducing your costs on stationery or postage

9. The smartphone app; Xero touch, allows you to photograph expense receipts and scan them directly into your accounts. You can also check who owes you money and call them up at the touch of a button

10. It’s a web page so everything is link based. Click in enough places and you will find what you are looking for.

We’re Here to help you

If you would like to find out more about Xero you can visit their website at www.xero.com/uk or give us a call on 01228 904 904 or request a call back.

The Chartered Institute of Taxation

The Association of Taxation Technicians

Xero Gold Partner